wrought iron vs cast iron gate

Wrought Vs Cast Iron: Which Option Is Best For You?

In the crafting and home improvement industries, metal is one of the most intricate yet dependable materials available in the market today.

Commonly used in nearly every fixture and add-on from gates and lampposts to fences and benches, this widely-available building block holds a significant place in modern design and function. Among all the different factors to worry about when building with iron, however, there’s no aspect that has managed to gather more insight and concern than the way it’s made.

Why the way iron is made matters

While it may not seem like much at first, the truth about the manufacturing processes involved in creating this material is that they play a significant difference when it comes to durability, strength, aesthetic appeal, and longevity. Over time, it becomes even more important for any homeowner, aspiring decorator, and professional to know the available processes in further detail so that they can choose the best option for any project.

From balustrades and fences to gate and security doors, the way the iron involved is made will definitely affect any decisions that need to be made. This is especially true when it comes to choosing between wrought iron and cast iron.

Each option in further detail

If you seek quality in your next project and aren’t looking to skimp out on premium results, then you might end up making a decision between wrought or cast iron materials. Let’s go over each of these options in further detail:

Wrought iron

Best trusted by highly-skilled blacksmiths and boutique manufacturers, this type of material is built when the iron is heated and hammered into the desired outcome.

Although its origins may have been deep roots in swords and other medieval weaponry, wrought iron has become a staple for bespoke home improvement projects today. As opposed to standard manufacturing methods, the handcrafted nature of this process is best suited to the intricacies of home improvement and design thanks to skilled hands and heated ingots.

Aside from creative freedom and unique designs, what makes wrought iron home fixtures and furnishings so special is that they boast a tremendously-low carbon content. At 0.08 percent carbon, this option is guaranteed to provide a strong end-result that will last for centuries!

Cast iron

Mainly present in mass-produced products, cast iron is often picked up by manufacturers because of its ability to be frequently replicated for larger-scale applications.

Generally, cast iron products used for home improvement projects are made by melting the iron into a liquid form and pouring it into a mold until it settles and hardens into a final, mass-produced product. This means that artistic expression is limited with this process. While it is a quicker process, these products are less durable as they possess two to four percent carbon content and larger air pockets prone to cracks during the manufacturing period itself!


When it comes to home improvement projects that are set to last a lifetime, it’s best to invest your money in wrought iron pieces. With this option, they will surely provide a greater value for money while being far more durable in nature!

We specialize in creating stylish and long-lasting wrought iron designs for properties in Beverly Hills and throughout Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara Counties. Increase the security and style of your home by getting in touch now!

Add A Unique Flair To Your Property With Custom Handcrafted Wrought Iron Products. Contact Us Today For A Free Quote.

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